Saturday, July 1, 2017

My First Blog Post - Why?

Anyone that knows me, knows that blogging is not something I would typically do. I'm definitely a left brained kind of person and have never been much of a writer. Nevertheless, after some encouragement from my assistant principal, Suzie Henderson, I've decided to give it a try. Please bare with me and excuse my writing ineptness. :)

My intention is to use this blog to reflect on my own learning. My hope is that blogging will help me organize and categorize the information I have read/heard. If someone gets something out of reading it, then that's just icing on the cake.

Let's get started by talking about one of my favorite topics -  What is your why?

I think I'm fascinated with this topic because everything we do as educators stems from this. I challenged my teachers several months ago to do a Flipgrid video explaining their why. Listening to their stories were inspiring. Oftentimes, I hear teachers say it is a calling which I agree it truly is that. In Rita Pierson's famous Ted Talk, she says we were born to make a difference!

But why is it important to connect to your why?
Image result for why simon sinek
Simon Sinek wrote a book about it, Start with Why. In his "Golden Circle" he explains that your why is at the center, surrounded by your how and what. He contends that great leaders inspire others to action by leading from the inside out. I agree but I think there is more to it.

This past week, I attended a PLC training in Atlanta. During the opening keynote by Tim Brown, he brought up this very topic. He played the following video in which the comedian, Michael Jr., summed it up best.

It is a simple illustration but what a profound statement!

When you know your why, your what has greater impact because you are walking in and toward your purpose!

That's it! Your why connects you to your purpose. So no matter what the what is, it is worth it and means more when you know why you are doing it. 
So when you are having a bad day, go back to your why.
When your students are having a bad day, go back to your why.

But it is not just about us and our own feelings. is it? When you know your why then your what has greater impact. So to be the best we can be for our students, we must connect to our why. Our kids deserve our very best each and everyday. 

Teaching is not always easy, but when you go back to your why it is always worth it!


  1. I enjoyed this post - I look forward to the next one.

  2. It is so easy to get distracted and overwhelmed with our busy schedules and task lists. Reflecting back to our "why" could help us prioritize and make smarter, more purposeful decisions. Great post. Welcome to Blogger!!

  3. Excellent and true!

  4. Love that you kicked your blog off with What is your why? No matter how many times I hear Rita Pearson I am moved! Great job!


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